Living and Nonliving things

We see many things around us. All are classified into two categories Living and Non-Living.
Living Thing – things that have life is called living things.
Non-Living things – things that do not have life are called non-living things.

Living things

  1. Can Move
  2. Can Grow
  3. Needs food and water
  4. Can breadth
  5. Can feel
  6. Can Reproduce young ones like themselves so that life on Earth can continue.

Non-Living things

  1. Nonliving things cannot move, grow, breadth, feel, and reproduce.

Characteristics of Living things

* Animals have their legs to move, Animals without legs crawl, slide, and swim by their body.
* Fish swims in water with the help of fins and tails.
* Plants are living things but they cannot move from one place to another place. But they show some movements, the touch-me-not plant closes its leaves when we touch it.
* The sunflower always turns towards the sun.
* Living things depend upon plants and animals for food.
* Plants make their own food from water, air, and sunlight.
* All living things can feel and react. Humans and Animals have sense organs to feel.
* Living things reproduce – reproducing is the process in which a living being gives birth to a young one of its own kind. For Example – A cow gives birth to a calf. A woman gives birth to a baby. Birds lay eggs from which young ones come out and slowly grow into adults. Seeds become plants and plants change into big trees.

Characteristics Nonliving things

Man made and natural things are nonliving things.

Man madeNatural
Book, Car, Computer, etc…Rocks, Soil, Water, etc…
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