7 Days of the Week
English | Hindi | Abbr. |
Sunday | रविवार (Ravivar) | SUN |
Monday | सोमवार (Somvar) | MON |
Tuesday | मंगलवार (Mangalvar) | TUE |
Wednesday | बुधवार (Budhvar) | WED |
Thursday | गुरुवार (Guruvar) | THU |
Friday | शुक्रवार (Shukravar) | FRI |
Saturday | शनिवार (Shanivar) | SAT |
Days Related Words
Words | Hindi |
Day | दिन |
Today | आज |
Tomorrow | कल (आने वाला) |
Now | अभी |
Yesterday | कल (बीता हुआ) |
Day after tomorrow | परसों |
Present | वर्तमान |
Future | भविष्य |
Tonight | आज रात |
Morning | सुबह |
Afternoon | दोपहर |
Evening | शाम |
Week | सप्ताह |
Someday | किसी दिन |
Weekdays | Weekend |
5 Days – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | 2 Days – Saturday Sunday |
Weekdays are the days when people usually go to work or attend school | weekends (Saturday and Sunday in many cultures) are generally reserved for rest, leisure activities, and time away from work or school. |
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