Parts of Speech


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The eight parts of speech

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection

Noun – A noun is a naming word. It names a person, place, animal, thing, and feelings.

Example – Aditya, Delhi, Tiger, Book,

Person – Aditya is the name of a person

Place – Delhi is the name of a place.

Animal – A tiger is an animal. Other animals are – lions, deer, wolves, dogs, cats, etc.

Thing – A Book is a thing. Other things are a car, water, computer, mobile, school bag, etc.

Feelings – Angry, happy, sad, etc.

Pronoun – A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. He, she, It, They, We, Us, and Me You are some pronouns.

Example – John is my friend. John is a very good boy.

Here in the first sentence, John is a noun, but in the second sentence we need to replace the noun John with He, and he is a pronoun that replaces the noun here.

Now the sentence looks like

John is my friend. He is a very good boy.

Adjective – Adjective describes the qualities or states of being of nouns.

Some examples of adjectives – Clever, fast, slow, long, huge, few etc.

Example –

Riya is a beautiful girl – in this sentence beautiful is an adjective word that describes how Riya is.

Verb – Verb is a doing or action word.

Examples of verb – run, sleep, sing, drive, jump, etc.

Riya swims every Monday.

In this sentence swim is a verb, and swimming is an action done by Riya every Monday.

Adverb – An adverb describes a verb adjective or another adverb.

Words like slowly, loudly, carefully, quickly, quietly, or sadly are all adverbs.

Example – Jack is running. In this sentence, Jack a noun is running.

Now using the adverb fast in this sentence

Jack is running fast.  fast is the adverb that shows how jack is running slow or fast.

Preposition – A preposition shows the relation of a person or thing to another word in the sentence.  

About, over, from, beside, on, in, and across are examples of prepositions.

Example – The keys are on the table.

In this sentence, the relation between the key and table shows by the preposition ‘On’. On shows, keys are kept on the table.   

Conjunction – Conjunctions are words that join two sentences together.

for, so, but, and, yet, while, either, and because are examples of conjunction.

Davy likes tea. Davy likes coffee

Now join these sentences using conjunction and. 

Davy likes tea and coffee.

Interjection –Interjection is a word that expresses emotions and feelings.

Example – Yeah! Ah! Oops! Alas! Ouch! Wow! Hurray! Oh my god!

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