English Verbs List for kids
This is a list of the most common verbs in English. If you are learning English it would be useful to learn these popular verbs first.
List of English verbs in all tenses.
V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V1 + ing |
A | ||||
Abuse | Abused | Abused | Abuses | Abusing |
Apply | Applied | Applied | Applies | Applying |
Ask | Asked | Asked | Asks | Asking |
Arrest | Arrested | Arrested | Arrests | Arresting |
Attend | Attended | Attended | Attends | Attending |
Answer | Answered | Answered | Answers | Answering |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived | Arrives | Arriving |
Attract | Attracted | Attracted | Attracts | Attracting |
Accept | Accepted | Accepted | Accepts | Accepting |
Attract | Attacked | Attacked | Attacks | Attacking |
Absent | Absented | Absented | Absents | Absenting |
Allow | Allowed | Allowed | Allows | Allowing |
Act | Acted | Acted | Acts | Acting |
Add | Added | Added | Adds | Adding |
Amaze | Amazed | Amazed | Amazes | amazing |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed | Agrees | Agreeing |
Appear | Appeared | Appeared | Appears | Appearing |
Arrange | Arranged | Arranged | Arranges | Arranging |
Adopt | Adopted | Adopted | Adopts | Adopting |
Advise | Advised | Advised | Advises | Advising |
Adjust | Adjusted | Adjusted | Adjusts | Adjusting |
Argue | Argued | Argued | Argues | Arguing |
Arise | Arose | Arisen | Arises | Arising |
Arrange | Arranged | Arranged | Arranges | Arranging |
Approve | Approved | Approved | Approves | Approving |
Admit | Admitted | Admitted | Admits | Admitting |
Absorb | Absorbed | Absorbed | Absorbs | Absorbing |
Awake | Awoke | Awoke | Awakes | Awaking |
Admire | Admired | Admired | Admires | Admiring |
Appoint | Appointed | Appointed | Appoints | Appointing |
Arrest | Arrested | Arrested | Arrests | Arresting |
B | ||||
Beat | Beat | Beaten | Beats | Beating |
Become | Became | Become | Becomes | Becoming |
Beg | Begged | Begged | Begs | Begging |
Begin | Began | Begun | Begins | Beginning |
Bend | Bent | Bent | Bends | Bending |
Bite | Bit | Bitten | Bites | Biting |
Blow | Blew | Blown | Blows | Blowing |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed | Borrows | Borrowing |
Break | Broke | Broken | Breaks | Breaking |
Bring | Brought | Brought | Brings | Bringing |
Build | Built | Built | Builds | Building |
Burn | Burnt | Burnt | Burns | Burning |
Buy | Bought | Bought | Buys | Buying |
Believe | Believed | Believed | Believes | Believing |
Bear | Bore | Borne | Bears | Bearing |
Bore | Bored | Bored | Bores | Boring |
Bash | Bashed | Bashed | Bashes | Bashing |
Bless | Blessed | Blessed | Blesses | Blessing |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved | Behaves | Behaving |
Boast | Boasted | Boasted | Boasts | Bosting |
Bleed | Bled | Bled | Bleeds | Bleeding |
Blush | Blushed | Blushed | Blushes | Blushing |
Bow | Bowed | Bowed | Bows | Bowing |
Bathe | Bathed | Bathed | Bathes | Bathing |
Blur | Blurred | Blurred | Blurs | Blurring |
C | ||||
Carry | Carried | Carried | Carries | Carrying |
Catch | Caught | Caught | Catches | Catching |
Choose | Chose | Chosen | Chooses | Choosing |
Come | Came | Come | Comes | Coming |
Cost | Cost | Cost | Costs | Costing |
Cry | Cried | Cried | Cries | Crying |
Cut | Cut | Cut | Cuts | Cutting |
Compel | Compelled | Compelled | Compels | Compelling |
Compare | Compared | Compared | Compares | Comparing |
Comment | Commented | Commented | Comments | Commenting |
Colour | Coloured | Coloured | Colours | Colouring |
Creep | Crept | Crept | Creeps | Creeping |
Cheat | Cheated | Cheat | Cheats | Cheating |
Cross | Crossed | Crossed | Crosses | Crossing |
Climb | Climbed | Climbed | Climbs | Climbing |
Clam | Clamed | Clamed | Clams | Clamming |
Call | Called | Called | Calls | Calling |
Cash | Cashed | Cashed | Cashes | Cashing |
Cover | Covered | Covered | Covers | Covering |
Carry | Carried | Carried | Carries | Carrying |
Charge | Charged | Charged | Charges | Charging |
Chat | Chatted | Chatted | Chats | Chatting |
Choke | Choked | Choked | Chokes | Choking |
Classify | Classified | Classified | Classifies | Classifying |
Create | Created | Created | Creates | Creating |
Close | Closed | Closed | Closes | Closing |
Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned | Cleans | Cleaning |
Change | Changed | Changed | changes | Changing |
Clap | clapped | clapped | Claps | Clapping |
Copy | copied | copied | copies | Copying |
Cook | Cooked | cooked | cooks | Cooking |
D | ||||
Dance | Danced | Danced | Dances | Dancing |
Die | Died | Died | Dies | Dying |
Dig | Dug | Dug | Digs | Digging |
Do | Did | Done | Does | Doing |
Draw | Drew | Drawn | Draws | Drawing |
Drink | Drank | Drunk | Drinks | Drinking |
Drive | Drove | Driven | Drives | Driving |
Drown | Drowned | Drowned | Drowns | Drowning |
Direct | Directed | Directed | Directs | Directing |
Dream | Dreamt | Dreamt | Dreams | Dreaming |
Decide | Decided | Decided | Decides | Deciding |
Discover | Discovered | Discovered | Discovers | Discovering |
Divide | Divided | Divided | Divides | Dividing |
Dry | Dried | Dried | Dries | Drying |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt | Deals | Dealing |
Do | Did | Done | Does | Doing |
E | ||||
Earn | Earned | Earned | Earns | Earning |
Enter | Entered | Entered | Enters | Entering |
Explain | Explained | Explained | Explains | Explaining |
Ease | Ease | Ease | Eases | Easing |
Edit | Edited | Edited | Edits | Editing |
Effect | Effected | Effected | Effects | Effecting |
Echo | Echoed | Echoed | Echoes | Echoing |
Eat | Ate | Eaten | Eats | Eating |
F | ||||
Fall | Fell | Fallen | Falls | Falling |
Feel | Felt | Felt | Feels | Feeling |
Fight | Fought | Fought | Fights | Fighting |
Find | Found | Found | Finds | Finding |
Fly | Flew | Flown | Flies | Flying |
Follow | Followed | Followed | Follows | Following |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | Forgets | Forgetting |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen | Freezes | Freezing |
Face | Faced | Faced | faces | Facing |
Fail | Failed | Failed | Fails | Failing |
Fear | Feared | Feared | Fears | Fearing |
Feed | Fed | Fed | Feeds | Feeding |
Fell | Felled | Felled | Fells | Felling |
Feel | Felt | Felt | feels | Feeling |
Flee | Fled | Fled | Flees | Fleeing |
Finish | Finished | Finished | Finishes | Finishing |
Fine | Fined | Fined | Fines | Fining |
Float | Floated | Floated | Floats | Floating |
Fold | Folded | Folded | Folds | Folding |
Fake | Faked | Faked | Fakes | Faking |
Forbid | Forbade | Forbidden | Forbids | Forbidding |
Fix | Fixed | Fixed | Fixes | Fixing |
Flash | Flashed | Flashed | Flashes | Flashing |
Force | Forced | Forced | Forces | Forcing |
Favour | Favoured | Favoured | Favours | Favouring |
G | ||||
Get | Got | Got | Gets | Getting |
Give | Gave | Given | Gives | Giving |
Go | Went | Gone | Goes | Going |
Grow | Grew | Grown | Grows | Growing |
Grip | Gripped | Gripped | Grips | Griping |
Gain | Gained | Gained | Gains | Gaining |
Grant | Granted | Granted | Grants | Granting |
Gather | Gathered | Gathered | Gathers | Gathering |
Grind | Ground | Ground | Grinds | Grinding |
Glance | Glanced | Glanced | Glances | Glancing |
Grab | Grabbed | Grabbed | Grabs | Grabbing |
Guess | Guessed | Guessed | Guesses | Guessing |
Greet | Greeted | Greeted | Greets | Greeting |
Guard | Guarded | Guarded | Guards | Guarding |
Glow | Glowed | Glowed | Glows | Glowing |
Guide | Guided | Guided | Guides | Guiding |
Grant | Granted | Granted | Grants | Granting |
H | ||||
Hang | Hung | Hung | Hangs | Hanging |
Hear | Heard | Heard | Hears | Hearing |
Hide | Hid | Hidden | Hides | Hiding |
Hit | Hit | Hit | Hits | Hitting |
Hold | Held | Held | Holds | Holding |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | Hurts | Hurting |
Have | Had | Had | Has | Having |
Hate | Hated | Hated | Hates | Hating |
Help | Helped | Helped | Helps | Helping |
Hide | Hid | Hidden | Hides | Hiding |
Hunt | Hunted | Hunted | Hunts | Hunting |
Hack | Hacked | Hacked | Hacks | Hacking |
Harass | Harassed | Harassed | Harasses | Harassing |
Hustle | Hustled | Hustled | Hustles | Hustling |
Heal | Healed | Healed | Heals | Healing |
Horrify | Horrified | Horrified | Horrifies | Horrifying |
Hug | Hugged | Hugged | Hugs | Hugging |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped | Hopes | Hoping |
Harm | Harmed | Harmed | Harms | Harming |
Happen | Happened | Happened | Happens | Happening |
Handle | Handled | Handled | Handles | Handling |
Heal | Healed | Healed | Heals | Healing |
I | ||||
Invite | Invited | Invited | Invites | Inviting |
Identify | Identified | Identified | Identifies | Identifying |
Idle | Idled | Idled | Idles | Idling |
Imagine | Imagined | Imagined | Imagines | Imaging |
Impute | Imputed | Imputed | Imputes | Imputing |
Ignore | Ignored | Ignored | Ignores | Ignoring |
Include | Included | Included | Includes | Including |
Ice | Iced | Iced | Ices | Icing |
Idealize | Idealized | Idealized | Idealizes | Idealizing |
Ignore | Ignored | Ignored | Ignores | Ignoring |
Increase | Increased | Increased | Increases | Increasing |
Include | Included | Included | Includes | Including |
Impress | Impressed | Impressed | Impresses | Impressing |
J | ||||
Jump | Jumped | Jumped | Jumps | Jumping |
Join | Joined | Joined | Joins | joining |
Joint | Jointed | Jointed | Joints | Jointing |
Joke | Joked | Joked | Jokes | Joking |
Justify | Justified | Justified | Justifies | Justifying |
Judge | Judge | Judged | judges | Judging |
Jack | Jacked | Jacked | Jacks | Jacking |
Jam | Jammed | Jammed | Jams | Jamming |
Jumble | Jumbled | Jumbled | Jumbles | Jumbling |
K | ||||
Kill | Killed | Killed | Kills | Killing |
Keep | Kept | Kept | Keeps | Keeping |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked | Knocks | Knocking |
Know | Knew | Known | Knows | Knowing |
Knit | Knitted | Knitted | Knits | Knitting |
Kneel | Knelt | Knelt | Kneels | Kneeling |
Knot | Knotted | Knotted | Knots | Knotting |
Key | Keyed | Keyed | Keys | Keying |
Kick | Kicked | Kicked | Kicks | Kicking |
Kidnap | Kidnapped | Kidnapped | Kidnaps | Kidnapping |
Keep | Kept | Kept | Keeps | Keeping |
Know | Knew | Known | Knows | Knowing |
L | ||||
Laugh | Laughed | Laughed | Laughs | Laughing |
Learn | Learnt | Learnt | Learns | Learning |
Leave | Left | Left | Leaves | Leaving |
Lend | Lent | Lent | Lends | Lending |
Let | Let | Let | Lets | Letting |
Lie | Lied | Lied | Lies | Lying |
Lose | Lost | Lost | Loses | Losing |
Love | Loved | Loved | Loves | Loving |
Lay | Laid | Laid | Lays | Laying |
Launch | Launched | Launched | Launches | Launching |
Label | Labelled | Labelled | Labels | Labelling |
Last | Lasted | Lasted | Lasts | Lasting |
Lap | Lapped | Lapped | Laps | Lapping |
Land | Landed | Landed | Lands | Landing |
Listen | Listened | Listened | Listens | Listening |
M | ||||
Make | Made | Made | Makes | Making |
Marry | Married | Married | Marries | Marrying |
Meet | Met | Met | Meets | Meeting |
Mean | Meant | Meant | Means | Meaning |
Move | Moved | Moved | Moves | Moving |
Melt | Melted | Melted | Melts | Melting |
Mix | Mixed | Mixed | Mixes | Mixing |
Mature | Matured | Matured | Matures | Maturing |
Manage | Managed | Managed | Manages | Managing |
Mask | Masked | Masked | Masks | Masking |
Mark | Marked | Marked | Marks | Marking |
Modify | Modified | Modified | Modifies | Modifying |
Magnify | Magnified | Magnified | Magnifies | Magnifying |
N | ||||
Name | Named | Named | Names | Naming |
Need | Needed | Needed | Needs | Needing |
Nip | Nipped | Nipped | nips | Nipping |
Nest | Nested | Nested | Nests | Nesting |
Narrow | Narrowed | Narrowed | Narrows | Narrowing |
Nail | Nailed | Nailed | Nails | Nailing |
O | ||||
Open | Opened | Opened | Opens | Opening |
Order | Ordered | Ordered | Orders | Ordering |
Oppose | Opposed | Opposed | Opposes | Opposing |
Occur | Occurred | Occurred | Occurs | Occurring |
Obey | Obeyed | Obeyed | Obeys | Obeying |
Object | Objected | Objected | Objects | objecting |
Obtain | Obtained | Obtained | Obtains | Obtaining |
Offend | Offended | Offended | Offends | Offending |
Observe | Observed | Observed | Observes | Observing |
Own | Owned | Owned | Owns | Owning |
P | ||||
Pay | Paid | Paid | Pays | Paying |
Pray | Prayed | Prayed | Prays | Praying |
Prove | Proved | Proved | Proves | Proving |
Put | Put | Put | Puts | Putting |
Play | Played | Played | Plays | Playing |
Praise | Praised | Praised | Praises | Praising |
Plant | Planted | Planted | Plants | Planting |
Pluck | Plucked | Plucked | Plucks | Plucking |
Prepare | Prepared | Prepared | Prepares | Preparing |
Pull | Pulled | Pulled | Pulls | Pulling |
Punish | Punished | Punished | Punishes | Punishing |
Promise | Promised | Promised | Promises | Promising |
Push | Pushed | Pushed | Pushes | Pushing |
Pause | Paused | Paused | Pauses | Pausing |
Propose | Proposed | Proposed | Proposes | Proposing |
Q | ||||
Quarrel | Quarrelled | Quarrelled | Quarrelling | Quarrels |
Quit | Quit | Quit | Quits | Quitting |
Quilt | Quilted | Quilted | Quilts | Quilting |
Question | Questioned | Questioned | Questions | Questioning |
Quell | Quelled | Quelled | Quells | Quelling |
Qualify | Qualified | Qualified | Qualifies | Qualifying |
Quote | Quoted | Quoted | quotes | quoting |
R | ||||
Read | Read | Read | Reads | Reading |
Reply | Replied | Replied | Replies | Replying |
Ride | Rode | Ridden | Rides | Riding |
Ring | Rang | Rung | Rings | Ringing |
Rain | Rained | Rained | Rains | Raining |
Rise | Rose | Risen | Rises | Rising |
Run | Ran | Run | Runs | Running |
Receive | Received | Received | Receives | Receiving |
Refuse | Refused | Refused | Refuses | Refusing |
Rest | Rested | Rested | Rests | Resting |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired | Repairs | Repairing |
Reach | Reached | Reached | Reaches | Reaching |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered | Remembers | Remembering |
Return | Returned | Returned | Returns | Returning |
Roar | Roared | Roared | Roars | Roaring |
S | ||||
Say | Said | Said | Says | Saying |
See | Saw | Seen | Sees | Seeing |
Sell | Sold | Sold | Sells | Selling |
Send | Sent | Sent | Sends | Sending |
Set | Set | Set | Sets | Setting |
Sew | Sewed | Sewn | Sews | Sewing |
Shine | Shone | Shone | Shines | Shining |
Shoot | Shot | Shot | Shoots | Shooting |
Shut | Shut | Shut | Shuts | Shutting |
Sleep | Slept | Slept | Sleeps | Sleeping |
Smell | Smelt | Smelt | Smells | Smelling |
Spell | Spelt | Spelt | Spells | Spelling |
Spend | Spent | Spent | Spends | Spending |
Spin | Span | Spun | Spins | Spinning |
Spoil | Spoiled | Spoiled | Spoils | Spoiling |
Spread | Spread | Spread | Spreads | Spreading |
Stand | Stood | Stood | Stands | Standing |
Steal | Stole | Stolen | Steals | Stealing |
Study | Studied | Studied | Studies | Studying |
Sweep | Swept | Swept | Sweeps | Sweeping |
Swim | Swam | Swum | Swims | Swimming |
Save | Saved | Saved | Saves | Saving |
Saw | Sawed | Sawed | Saws | Sawing |
Send | Sent | Sent | Sends | Sending |
Select | Selected | Selected | Selects | Selecting |
Stay | Stayed | Stayed | Stays | Staying |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped | Stops | Stopping |
Sweep | Swept | Swept | Sweeping | Sweeps |
Slip | Slipped | Slipped | Slips | Slipping |
Shed | Shed | Shed | Sheds | Shedding |
Shut | Shut | Shut | Shuts | Shutting |
Seek | Sought | Sought | Seeks | Seeking |
Satisfy | Satisfied | Satisfied | Satisfies | Satisfying |
Scold | Scolded | Scolded | Scolds | Scolding |
T | ||||
Take | Took | Taken | Takes | Taking |
Teach | Taught | Taught | Teaches | Teaching |
Tear | Tore | Torn | Tears | Tearing |
Tell | Told | Told | Tells | Telling |
Think | Thought | Thought | Thinks | Thinking |
Throw | Threw | Thrown | Throws | Throwing |
Travel | Travelled | Travelled | Travels | Travelling |
Try | Tried | Tried | Tries | Trying |
Talk | Talked | Talked | Talks | Talking |
Tie | Tied | Tied | Ties | Tying |
Touch | Touched | Touched | Touches | Touching |
Trust | Trusted | Trusted | Trusts | Trusting |
Thrust | Thrust | Thrust | Thrusts | Thrusting |
Tap | Tapped | Tapped | Taps | Tapping |
Tail | Tailed | Tailed | Tails | Tailing |
Taste | Tasted | Tasted | Tastes | Tasting |
Taunt | Taunted | Taunted | Taunts | Taunting |
Tag | Tagged | Tagged | Tags | Tagging |
Track | Tracked | Tracked | Tracks | Tracking |
W | ||||
Waste | Wasted | Wasted | Wastes | Wasting |
Wear | Wore | Worn | Wears | Wearing |
Weave | Wave | Woven | Weaves | Weaving |
Weep | Wept | Wept | Weeps | Weeping |
Win | Won | Won | Wins | Winning |
Write | Wrote | Written | Writes | Writing |
Walk | Walked | Walked | Walks | Walking |
Wait | Waited | Waited | Waits | Waiting |
Work | Worked | Worked | Works | Working |
Watch | Watched | Watched | Watches | Watching |
Wish | Wished | Wished | Wishes | Wishing |
Wed | Wedded | Wedded | Weds | Wedding |
Wound | Wounded | Wounded | Wounds | Wounding |
Worship | Worshiped | Worshiped | Worships | Worshipping |
Wonder | Wondered | Wondered | Wonders | Wondering |
Wrap | Wrapped | Wrapped | Wraps | Wrapping |
Wash | Washed | Washed | Washes | Washing |
Want | Wanted | Wanted | Wants | Wanting |
Wake | Waked | Woken | Wakes | Waking |
Y | ||||
Yield | Yielded | Yielded | Yields | Yielding |
Yawn | Yawned | Yawned | Yawns | Yawning |
Yank | Yanked | Yanked | Yanks | Yanking |
Z | ||||
Zip | Zipped | Zipped | Zips | Zipping |
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