Category Words

Words start with J

Words Start with J

Words start with J J is the tenth (10) letter of the English alphabet and J is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Jackal सियार Jackfruit कटहल Joker जोकर Jam जाम Joy ख़ुशी Juice रस Jacket जैकेट July जुलाई Joyful हर्षित…

Words start with K

Words Start with K

Words start with K K is the eleventh (11) letter of the English alphabet and K is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Kite पतंग Key चाबी Knife चाकू Kid बच्चा Knee घुटना Kiwi कीवी Kind प्रकार King राजा Kitten बिल्ली…

Words start with L

Words Start with L

Words start with L L is the twelfth (12) letter of the English alphabet and L is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Lemon नींबू Lion शेर Leaf पत्ता Lamb मेमना Leg पैर  Left बाएँ Lake झील Light प्रकाश Love प्यार…

Words start with M

Words Start with M

Words start with M M is the thirteenth (13) letter of the English alphabet and M is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Mother माँ Mango आम Man आदमी Milk दूध Money पैसा Monkey बंदर Mouth मुँह Mouse चूहा Map मानचित्र…

Words start with N

Words Start with N

Words start with N N is the fourteenth (14) letter of the English alphabet and N is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Nest घोंसला Net जाल Nine नौ Nose नाक North उत्तर Nurse नर्स Noodle नूडल Number संख्या Neck गरदन…

Words start with O

Words Start with O

Words start with O O is the fifteenth (15) letter of the English alphabet and O is the fourth vowel. Word Hindi meaning Orange नारंगी Ox बैल Ostrich शुतुरमुर्ग Owl उल्लू Onion प्याज One एक Oil तेल Ocean महासागर Olive…

Words start with P

Words Start with P

Words start with P P is the sixteenth (16) letter of the English alphabet and P is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Parrot तोता Palm हथेली Pest कीट Pig सुअर Pink गुलाबी Pen कलम Plant पौधा Put रखना Pay वेतन…

Words start with Q

Words Start with Q

Words start with Q Q is the seventeenth (17) letter of the English alphabet and Q is a consonant.           Word Hindi meaning Quill पंख Queen रानी Queue कतार Question प्रश्न Quiz प्रश्नोत्तरी Quite पूर्णतया Query सवाल Quit छोड़ना Quarter…

Words start with R

Words Start with R

Words start with R R is the eighteenth (18) letter of the English alphabet and R is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Rat चूहा Rabbit खरगोश Rose गुलाब Red लाल Rain वर्षा River नदी Road सड़क Ring अंगूठी Run चलाना…

Words start with S

Words Start with S

Words start with S S is the nineteenth (19) letter of the English alphabet and S is a consonant. Word Hindi meaning Sun सूर्य Solar सौर Same वही, समान Sunflower सूरजमुखी Six छः Sky आसमान Saturday शानिवार Shop दुकान Skin…