Questions | Answer |
Which part of the body has all the sense organs? | Head |
What is the colour of the leaf when it dries? | Yellow |
Name a season in which leaves fall from trees? | Autumn |
On Freezing water turns into? | Ice |
Which flower faces the sun? | Sunflower |
A person who goes to the space is called? | Astronaut |
How many days are there in a fortnight? | 15 Days |
Which animal carries the baby in its pouch? | Kangaroo |
What fuel do we fill in cars? | Petrol/Diesel |
The Tadpole grows into a ________. | Baby Frog |
How many planets do we have in the solar system? | 8 Planets |
Where do we find zebra crossing? | Roads |
What is the shape of a piece of pizza? | Triangle |
Which fruit comes in a bunch? | Grapes |
Which is the largest land animal? | Elephant |
Which is the tallest animal? | Giraffe |
Which bird can run very fast? | Ostrich |
Which bird has beautiful feathers? | Peacock |
The traffic light of which colour tells us to wait? | Yellow |
Which star shines during the day? | Sun |
How many sides does a pentagon have? | 5 Sides |
Which tool do we use to cut the paper? | Scissor |
Which fruit has Custard in its name? | Custard Apple |
Which do Flowers begin with M? | Marigold |
Which flower rhymes with the nose? | Rose |
What is the first letter of the Alphabet set? | A |
How many letters are there in the English alphabet? | 26 Letters |
Which fruits give us oil? | Dry Fruits |
What does a doctor use? | Stethoscope |
What do you call the person who dresses your hair? | Hair Dresser |
Who puts out the fire? | Fireman |
Who uses a fire engine? | Fireman |
Which fruit is rich in vitamin C? | Orange |
Apples are rich in___ | Iron |
What comes between Wednesday and Friday? | Thursday |
How many months do we have in a year? | 12 Months |
How many months have 31 days? | 7 Days |
What doesn’t belong to the consonant family? | Vowels |
What do we use emails for? | Sending Messages |
How many toes do you have? | Ten |
Which part of the plant is tasty? | Fruit |
Name the beautiful part of the plant. | Flower |
Which part of the plant makes food? | Leaf |
Which part of the plant carries the baby plants? | Seed |
What does a flower change into? | Fruit |
Who gives energy to the baby plant? | Sun Light |
How many months start with the letter A? | 2 |
How many days are there in a year? | 365 Days |
What does a caterpillar change into? | Butterfly |
Where does a caterpillar sleep? | Pupa |
Which animals say roar? | Lion |
Which farm animal says Neigh? | Horse |
Which wild animal has black and yellow stripes? | Tiger |
Which is the largest bird and cannot fly? | Ostrich |
Which bird gives the biggest egg? | Ostrich |
What animal says quack? | Duck |
Which animal is known as the ship of the desert? | Camel |
Which animal has a long neck? | Giraffe |
Which animal has a trunk? | Elephant |
Who is the fastest land animal? | Cheetah |
Where does Honey come from? | Flowers |
Which is the biggest sea animal? | Blue Whales |
Which animal has a long sticky tongue? | Frog |
How do you travel to faraway places? | Airplane |
What goes up when the rain comes down? | Umbrella |
Where the plant does get the minerals and water from? | Roots |
Where does a Horse live? | Stable |
Which animal has a hump on its back? | Camel |
Where does a dog live? | Kennel |
Name two forms of water? | Liquid, Solid |
What is the colour in the national flag of India? | Saffron, White, Dark Green |
We breadth with ours? | Nose |
Which is the largest planet in our solar system? | Jupiter |
Lion’s baby is called? | Cub |
Which animal likes to eat bone? | Dog |
Which Colour starts with G? | Green, Grey |
How many elbows do we have? | Two |
What is the national animal of India? | Tiger |
What is the National bird of India? | Peacock |
One decade is equal to? | 10 Years |
What is the capital city of India? | Delhi |
What is the national flower of India? | Lotus |
Where does the sunrise from? | East |
Where do you see a rainbow? | Sky |
How many colours do you see in a rainbow? | Seven |
Which type of clothes do you wear in winter? | Woollen |
Name two plants that have thorns? | Rose, Lemon |
Which animal has a mane? | Lion |
Which animal is called the king of the forest? | Lion |
Which bird likes to eat chilies. | Parrot |
Which insect makes a web? | Spider |
Name the animal which sleeps for 6 months? | Bear |
Where does wool come from? | Sheep |
Name a sea creature with 8 legs? | Octopus |
Egg Caterpillar Pupa Butterfly are the stages of which insect? | Butterfly |
Where does paper come from? | Tree |
A place where lots of wild animals are kept? | Zoo |
A picture that shows only your bones? | X-ray |
A shape with 10 sides is called? | Decagon |
Which bird is known for its intelligence? | Owl |